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Human Rights Watch is accusing Burmese soldiers of "serious abuses" against civilians in northern Kachin state, including enslavement and Burmese military launched an offensive against the rebel Kachin Independence Army in June. Human Rights Watch says soldiers attacked and occupied numerous villages in Kachin state, confiscating residents' property and belongings.


The rights group also says the soldiers pressed Kachin civilians into forced labor and subjected some of them to harsh n Rights Watch says the attacks have displaced 30,000 Kachin civilians who fled their homes to hide out for days in nearby mountains and jungles.人权观察组织指责缅甸军人“严重虐待”缅甸北部克钦邦少数民族平民,包括奴役和杀人。缅甸军方在六月对反政府的克钦独立军发起进攻。人权观察组织说,缅甸部队攻击并占领了克钦邦的多个村庄,没收当地居民的财物。
