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双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 13大纲

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双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 13

Walter was not very long in mounting to his lofty garret and descending from it, but in the meantime Florence, overcome by fatigue, had sunk into a doze before the fire. The short interval of quiet, though only a few minutes in duration, enabled Solomon Gills so far to collect his wits as to make some little arrangements for her comfort, and to darken the room, and to screen her from the blaze. Thus, when the boy returned, she was sleeping peacefully.


'That's capital!' he whispered, giving Solomon such a hug that it squeezed a new expression into his face. 'Now I'm off. I'll just take a crust of bread with me, for I'm very hungry - and don't wake her, Uncle Sol.'


'No, no,' said Solomon. 'Pretty child.'


'Pretty, indeed!' cried Walter. 'I never saw such a face, Uncle Sol. Now I'm off.'“确实漂亮!”沃尔特喊道。“我从来没有见到 过这样的脸孔,所尔舅舅。现在我走了。”

'That's right,' said Solomon, greatly relieved.


'I say, Uncle Sol,' cried Walter, putting his face in at the door.


'Here he is again,' said Solomon.


'How does she look now?'


'Quite happy,' said Solomon.

“很幸福,”所罗门 说道。

'That's famous! now I'm off.'


'I hope you are,' said Solomon to himself.


'I say, Uncle Sol,' cried Walter, reappearing at the door.


'Here he is again!' said Solomon.


'We met Mr Carker the Junior in the street, queerer than ever. He bade me good-bye, but came behind us here - there's an odd thing! - for when we reached the shop door, I looked round, and saw him going quietly away, like a servant who had seen me home, or a faithful dog. How does she look now, Uncle?'

“我们在街上遇到低级职员卡克先生。他比过去更加古怪了。他跟我告别了,但却跟在我们后面,一直跟到这里—— 这真是一件希奇的事情!——因为当我们到达店门口的时候,我向四周看了一下,看到他不声不响地走了,就像是一位护送我回家的仆人或一条忠心耿耿的狗一样。现在她看上去怎么样,舅舅?”

'Pretty much the same as before, Wally,' replied Uncle Sol.


'That's right. Now I am off!'


And this time he really was: and Solomon Gills, with no appetite for dinner, sat on the opposite side of the fire, watching Florence in her slumber, building a great many airy castles of the most fantastic architecture; and looking, in the dim shade, and in the close vicinity of all the instruments, like a magician disguised in a Welsh wig and a suit of coffee colour, who held the child in an enchanted sleep.


In the meantime, Walter proceeded towards Mr Dombey's house at a pace seldom achieved by a hack horse from the stand; and yet with his head out of window every two or three minutes, in impatient remonstrance with the driver. Arriving at his journey's end, he leaped out, and breathlessly announcing his errand to the servant, followed him straight into the library, we there was a great confusion of tongues, and where Mr Dombey, his sister, and Miss Tox, Richards, and Nipper, were all congregated together.

在这同时,沃尔特正向着董贝先生的公馆前进,这样快的速度是从街头租用的马车很少能达到的;可是他的头每隔两三分钟还要从窗子中往外探出一次,急不可耐地催促着车夫。抵达旅途终点后,他从马车中跳出来,气喘吁吁地 把他的使命向仆人通报,然后就跟着他直接到了图书室;图书室里七嘴八舌,一片混乱,董贝先生,他的妹妹,托克斯小姐,理查兹和尼珀全都聚集在那里。

'Oh! I beg your pardon, Sir,' said Walter, rushing up to him, 'but I'm happy to say it's all right, Sir. Miss Dombey's found!'


The boy with his open face, and flowing hair, and sparkling eyes, panting with pleasure and excitement, was wonderfully opposed to Mr Dombey, as he sat confronting him in his library chair.


注释:1. vicinity n. 邻近,附近;近处(1). It was a removal from the vicinity of Norland beyond her wishes.从诺兰德地区迁走不是她的愿望。(2). In the vicinity delicious gardens" and later "colour possesses me".在附近怡人的花园里,我被色彩迷住了”。(3). My bellow managed to turn the heads of several people in the vicinity.我的吼叫成功地让附近的好几个人把头转了过来。2. errand : 差事差使使命(1). I've come on a special errand.我是专程来办一件差事的。(2). For a moment he forgot his errand .有一小会儿,他忘掉了自己的使命。(3). Not a job really, more of an interesting errand.也不是什么工作,是份有趣的差事。(4). This is the errand of the eye Out upon the Bay .是港湾外的眼必须探询的任务。