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Ukraine will refuse entry to a convoy of 280 Russian trucks carrying humanitarian aid to the east of the country amid fears in Kiev and western capitals that Moscow’s mission is aimed at shoring up a separatist rebellion.


The Ukrainian government said any illegal crossing into its territory would be an act of aggression after Moscow hastily dispatched the vehicles with 2,000 tonnes of aid towards the border.



Russia’s emergency ministry said that the convoy – destined for the rebel-held city of Lugansk, which is surrounded by pro-Kiev forces – was part of an agreement to provide assistance under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

俄罗斯紧急事务部(Emergency Ministry)表示,目的地为目前被乌克兰政府军包围、由叛军占据的卢甘斯克市(Lugansk)的该车队,是一项在红十字国际委员会(ICRC)统筹下提供援助的协议的一部分。

But the ICRC said it was “not in charge” of the convoy and had not clarified details of its contents. Valeriy Chalyi, a senior Ukrainian official, said if Russian aid was transferred to Red Cross trucks as per the agreement, it would be accepted.

但红十字国际委员会表示,其“并未负责”该车队,也尚未澄清车上物资的详细情况。乌克兰高级官员瓦列里•查尔伊(Valeriy Chalyi)表示,如果俄罗斯按协议要求,将援助物资交给红十字会卡车运输,那将是可以接受的。

The confusion over Moscow’s intentions amplified concerns that it could use humanitarian suffering as a pretext for direct intervention as Kiev’s troops gear up for a wider assault in the east of the country, where pro-Russian separatists have been rapidly losing ground.


François Hollande, the French president, spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin yesterday to express his “very serious concerns at the prospect of a unilateral Russian mission on Ukrainian territory”, the Elysée Palace said in a statement.

爱丽舍宫(Elysee Palace)发表声明称,法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)昨日与俄总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)通话,表达他“对俄罗斯可能在乌克兰领土上采取单边行动的严重关切”。

Fears of a new flashpoint between Kiev and Moscow sent Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, tumbling to a record low against the dollar.


The crisis is also weighing on the eurozone economy. A German index of financial market confidence, the ZEW, recorded an 8.6 per cent drop in August, as German companies cut back investments following tougher sanctions on Russia.


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov yesterday telephoned his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and urged him to do all he could to allow the mission to go ahead, his ministry said.

俄罗斯外交部表示,俄外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)昨日致电德国外长弗兰克-沃尔特•施泰因迈尔(Frank-Walter Steinmeier),敦促他尽最大努力让俄方车队完成援助使命。

Last night, Mr Lavrov said he had received a note from Ukraine’s foreign ministry confirming Kiev’s willingness to accept Russian aid. “Movement has been started,” he said.


Russia’s foreign ministry said the convoy would travel through Shebekino-Pletnevka, a frontier checkpoint between the Russian city of Belgorod and Kharkiv on the Ukrainian side. “After crossing the border, the convoy will proceed under the auspices of the ICRC,” it said.


The trucks contain power generation units, food, water and medical supplies and did not have a military escort, Moscow said. However, pictures on social media sites suggested that at least part of the convoy had been put together by soldiers.


Alabino, the town southwest of Moscow where the regional government said the convoy started, is home to a base of an elite military unit.


Moscow has been under intensifying pressure to launch a humanitarian mission to Ukraine’s east and Mr Putin is eager to demonstrate his determination to support the Russian-speaking population in the region, which Russia says is threatened by a humanitarian crisis.


However, Ukraine’s foreign ministry has accused Russia of creating the unfolding humanitarian crisis by continuing to arm local militants, supplying fresh rebel and firing artillery and missiles from its territory upon Ukrainian soldiers and residential areas.
