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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第40场:信用卡是否利大于弊

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Credit card has more advantages than disadvantages.


I think the most advantageous part of the credit card is its use. Due to the simplified processes of the operations, credit cards are even used in the groceries, too. Credit cards can make it easier to buy things if you don't like to carry large amounts of cash with you. In addition, having a credit card will help you build a good credit history which is very important in applying for things such as loans, rental applications in the future.


The credit card is very useful in my life. It permits me to purchase first and pay later. Therefore, it is helpful to handle some emergencies when the cash is limited.

信用卡对我的生活非常有帮助,它能够让我"先消费,后还款" 。因此,当遇到紧急情况而又现金不足时,信用卡就帮了大忙。

大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第40场:信用卡是否利大于弊



Credit card has more disadvantages than advantages.


In spite of having some advantages, I think, credit cards have more disadvantages. The first disadvantage regarding credit cards is theft concern. If you lose your credit card anyway, it could be a disaster. The person who gets your credit card could buy objects by using it. so you will have to face big problems.


In addition, credit cards are inviting people to spend more money that they don't have yet. As a result, people may fall into debt because of their credit card purchases. Some credit card companies have fees or penalties for late payments or not being able to pay the minimum owed; once the amount owed begins to rise, the interest a person will owe the credit card company may become quite costly.



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