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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第39场:我们是否该相信网络友谊

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We should believe in the cyber friendship.


I think friendship can also be developed in cyber space with only words on our computer screen; and the cyber friends should be valued by us. Instead of house to-house interactions we do in the real world, cyber friends communicate with each other based on person-to-person exchange on the Internet. We can talk sincerely and frankly without any concern that we may have in the real world. Whenever you have a hard day and need a share, you can find someone on the net who will listen and care.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第39场:我们是否该相信网络友谊



We should be careful about the cyber friendship.


I think in the cyber world, people tend to cover something up, or tell small lies to impress others. One could be any one he wants to be in the cyber space. He could be an 18-year-old girl who just finished high school, or he could be a 35-year-old lady who successfully owns a company or he could be a 25-year-old tall and handsome guy. We should be cautious about the cyber friends and shouldn't give them too much information about us before we really feel that we can trust them.



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