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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第31场:孩子是否为夫妻关系纽带

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I want to be free!


I think a child is a little "destroyer" of the love between us. The couple in my neighborhood are always quarrelling with each other on the issue of how to educate their son, which scares me very much. Therefore if I had a child, the same thing would happen. In the meanwhile, the course of gestation and giving birth is another headache for me. Though medicine has developed greatly, women still die during child birth. Besides, giving birth will damage a woman's figure.


Presently, the competition in my company is too intense to sustain my confidence in the future career. If I have a child and leave my position temporarily, someone else is sure to take my place.


Another point might be the key to my insistence: sometimes we are not confident in marriage. If I divorced my husband, how should we deal with the baby? How can we have the right to heap our faults on an innocent child?


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第31场:孩子是否为夫妻关系纽带



The baby fastens and deepens the relation ship between a couple.


Although the life without a child was free and easy, the idea of DINK may impair the stability of marriage. People may feel at ease to adopt the childfree life when they are young and energetic(热情的). However, as time passes, when they are mature enough to have a baby, many of them have lost the hope for pregnancy, which results in many divorces.


It is believed that the passion between men and women cannot last for long, but that a child can bind a couple together, and the relationship can be saved by the effort of raising a child. In real life, many families without love are saved by their children. Though a child cannot guarantee a stable marriage, families without children face more serious tests.



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