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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第14场:"哈韩"行为是否理智

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Chasing Korean stars: positive elements outweigh negative elements.


In my opinion, I think two reasons can be cited for my fondness of Korean stars and Korean culture. The first one is the high quality of Korean dramas and pop music. Secondly, values reflected in Korean dramas are similar to ours, such as the love for family, the importance of respecting elders and so on.


I think Korean stars have good taste in dress. Their style is very fashionable. I can learn from them to match my clothes with each other.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第14场:"哈韩"行为是否理智



Chasing Korean stars: irrational behaviors.


Nowadays , many young people are crazy about Korean stars. As a result, Korean food, Korean dressing style, Korean cosmetics, nearly everything related to Korea has become popular among these Korean fans.


In my opinion , their behaviors are irrational. Many fans, especially young girls, chase Korean stars just because these stars are handsome or good-looking instead of their good performance or singing skills. So it's a blindfold and irrational behavior.



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