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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第8场:80后文学是否应该鼓励

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The post-1980s literature should be eocouraged by the public.


The post-1980s literature should be accepted and encouraged by the public. In my opinion, writing is just an effective way to show one's thoughts and ideas. The largest advantage of young writers' works is that their works have a sense of fashion , and show the thoughts of the young generation.


The post-1980s literature is more flexible and freer than the former one. Since these writers belong to the young generation, they are more openminded and have their own understanding of society. So we should provide them with a wide stage to express their unique views.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第8场:80后文学是否应该鼓励



The post-1980s literature is not mature enough.


Although the post-1980s literature has become more and more popular in the society, in my opinion, these works are not mature. Because of their lack in experience, their works are not profound in meaning compared with the classic collections.


I think most post-1980s works focus on the campus life , the romantic love story or the perplexity of young generation towards society. The themes are limited and confined to a small scope. To some extent, their works should be improved further.



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