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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第23场:对年轻人来说出国留学是否是个好的选择

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Studying abroad is a good choice for young people.


Young people should seize every chance to enrich their knowledge and skills. Studying abroad is a good choice. First of all, studying abroad enables young people to keep in close touch with foreign people and different cultures. What's more, it's an easy way to master a language when you live there.


As everybody knows, the employment situation for young people is becoming more and more serious. If you have obtained a degree in a foreign country, you can gam a competitive edge in job-hunting. Therefore, for young people, studying abroad is a good choice.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第23场:对年轻人来说出国留学是否是个好的选择



The value of foreign diploma has depreciated.


Nowadays, more and more students are going to study abroad to pursue a foreign degree, which has caused the depreciation of foreign diplomas. Therefore, young people should pay more attention to improve their knowledge and skills to gain a comparative edge in job-seeking, rather than to depend on foreign diplomas.

如今,随着出国留学生人数的激增,洋文凭已经开始贬值。因此, 年轻人与其把精力花在如何出国这个问题上,还不如抓紧时间增强自己在知识及技能方面的竞争力。

With the development of China, the educational level has been improved by our government and society. In this sense, we can also obtain a high-quality education in our country. To some extent, I think it's not necessary to pursue a degree in foreign countries.



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