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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第28场:爱情是否可以在婚姻中培养

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It is better to remain single than settle for someone incompatible.


Marriage and hanging go by destiny. I stick to the idea that God must have created the very man for me. Though the future seems obscure now, Mr Right must be waiting for me. As an independent lady, I should. be responsible for my choice, especially the choice about my marriage is of vital importance either for me or for my partner. I don't want to marry someone in haste just because my peers have got married. I am sure he must be busy on the way, too. All that I need to do now is to wait with patience. Just as the old Chinese saying goes: Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第28场:爱情是否可以在婚姻中培养



Love can be built in a real marriage.


Love is divine while marriage turns out to be more realistic. The family life covers much more than the passion between the couple, responsibility and trust count, too. To this end, an excellent boyfriend can not guarantee a perfect husband. It is the tolerance and understanding in marriage that generate a happy family. Every man has his faults. If we expect perfection from others, it can only result in disappointment and loneliness. Fair evaluation toward both parties is indispensable for a marriage and the efforts made by the couple turns out to be more prominent in the success of a marriage.



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