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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第5场:是否该选择自助游

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Self-help tour is the best way for us to travel.


Self-help tour is an advanced way to travel compared with the traditional ones, since it can provide us with more opportunities to enjoy the trip. If we travel with the guide, we have to follow their certain routines and have no rights to do any changes.


In my point of view, the self-help tour is the best way for us to travel , since we can make all traveling plans by ourselves, which will strengthen our abilities in planning and solving problems.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第5场:是否该选择自助游



We should be cautious about self-help tour.


I think self-help tour is full of uncertainty and danger. When we travel and live with strange people, we have no idea about their backgrounds. Since a self-help tour is organized by people voluntarily, it will involve many risks especially when something unpleasant happens , such as the dissension in expenditure. What's more, we could encounter many difficulties during the trip, which may put our lives in danger. Therefore, we should be cautious about self-help tour.



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