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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第36场:同性恋是否该宽容对待

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More tolerance, less prejudice.


In the course of history, homosexuality was once regarded as a kind of virus. In the year 2001, with the publication of the third edition of the Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders, homosexuality is no longer regarded as a psychotic disorder. Presently Chinese society has shown progress in no longer regarding homosexuality as a pathological phenomenon. Except for the sex-orientation, it is believed that they are just the same as us.

在历史上,同性恋曾经被认为是一种疾病。直到《2001年中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准》(第3 版)的发布,同性恋者不再被认定是精神病患者。如今在中国,随着社会的进步,同性恋不再被看做是一种病态现象。除了性取向不同,同性恋者在其他各方面与正常人并无差异。

As a sign of civilization, the pubic tolerance toward homosexuality has won great acceptance. It is impossible for everyone to be homosexual. Gays and lesbians are always the minority. Let's be nice to them. They need to be protected under the legal system, they need to be admitted into society and given the right to enjoy happiness as we do. Why should we be so inconsiderate to them?


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第36场:同性恋是否该宽容对待



Homosexuality could never be widely advocated.


Homosexuality should not be simply judged as right or wrong. Gays and lesbians should be regarded as common people in every respect. But still, what should be questioned is the relationship. Undoubtedly, homosexuality can never make its way into the main stream of social life. That is because this kind of relationship, unlike most of other interpersonal relationships, is not socially functional.


Common love and marriage between men and women should be regarded as functional because they are reproductive-they reproduce family and offspring. Reproductivity is a basic condition for the development of society. In this sense, homosexual love and marriage can never be centralized in social life. As a marginal social relationship, homosexuality will naturally exist, but it will can never be widely advocated.



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