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大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第30场:跨国婚姻是否是融入另一种文化的捷径

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Mixed marriage: the shortcut of blending into another culture.


Mixed marriage is not only about love, it's about the whole package you can get from it. People involved in it get a shortcut to blend into the mainstream, which brings them huge advantages to advance their career, especially in corporations, the language and culture advantages.


The culture conflict, however, poses a serious problem, which becomes a sturnbling block in the way. But among the various solutions to the problem, the interracial(不同种族间的) marriage has its own benefits. With a couple from different countries bound together in wedlock, they could improve their understanding of the history, culture, and customs of each other's countries. They might leam some advantages from each other's cultures, consequently, creating a harmonious family.


Additionally, since some couples have different language backgrounds, their children could be bilingual. When they grow up, it will bring an undeniable benefit to them, especially, in their career lives.


大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第30场:跨国婚姻是否是融入另一种文化的捷径



Culture shock is a big problem.


Although a mixed marriage may seem as dreamily beautiful as a fairy tale, the tale is often based more on romantic imagination rather than reality. Different cultures,tastes, life experiences, eating and living habits like strong waves, may wash the dream away as soon as the weather becomes stormly.


Asian cultures prefer the solidarity within the family. People tend to be interdependent and supportive. In contrast, western culture is rooted in individualism. The Chinese are often rudely disillusioned by such discoveries after marriage.


Many people enjoy a relatively high social position in their homeland. When living abroad , their glorious past is long gone. They often indulge themselves in recalling their happy past and feelings of resentment arise. These ill feelings are another major source of tension in marriage.



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