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I've been fighting leukemia for the past eight years, and now I just got a text-- I'm cancer free. 
leukemia 白血病
cancer free 摆脱癌症的困扰,癌症治愈


I've been on hold for almost half my life.
put something on hold 推迟做某事,停止做某事
hold on也是在口语中经常听到的说法,表示等一下、停一会儿。

Spine-tingling (惊喜得)令人战栗
字面意思是脊柱发麻,通常指因为惊喜、激动、紧张、害怕等等所引发的打冷战的感觉,通常伴有浑身起的鸡皮疙 瘩啥的。某柒就曾经在听到某些特别好听的歌的时候体验过这种spine-tingling哦。

Really rotten luck for that poor guy. 
rotten luck 运气真背
等同于bad luck,但看字面就晓得应该比厄运更差一层吧?因为已经是rotten腐烂了。

You didn't have to give me a lift.
give sb. a lift 让某人搭便车

He said he was going to do all the things that he'd been putting off, and then he was gone.
put off 推迟

I'm all yours.

Do you and Amanda share an interest in painting? 
share interest in 有共同的爱好,都喜欢

Go for it.
go for it = go ahead 去吧,放手干吧

People think that scientists aren't romantic,but nan has a knack for the steamy.
have a knack for 找到了某方面的窍门 to possess talent in a certain skill.
steamy 本意是多蒸汽的,这里引申为火辣的激情戏

still waters run deep.
still waters run deep 真人不露相 people who say very little often have very interesting and complicated personalities

He's a scribe. 
scribe 抄写员

I don't like today one bit. 
嗯,换成某柒,估计会说don't like today at all吧?

You can get somebody else to do that,sicko.
sicko 【俚语】神经病,道德败坏之人

Or if you got bad service,letters to the editor,congressmen,even Dear John letters. 
Dear John letters 分手信
这个词由美国人缔造于二战时期。当时大量的美军部队被派往海外,不愿再独守空闺军嫂女友,通常都是以充满爱 意的称谓,比方“亲爱的强尼”、“我最亲爱的约翰”或者“达令”,开始她们残酷的分手信。详见:热门爱情片 《分手信》为什么叫Dear John?


"Go ye forth and live life to the fullest."

- What do you know. King of the lab.  
- That's a first. Usually I have to say it.  
- Yes,but I wanted to hear hoit sounded with a touch of modesty. 
That's a first 头一遭

Sit tight. 
Sit tight 耐心等待

Your breathe gives me life. We joined by tender coil. Sight ruled by my heart alone.

I don't want to play it safe, 
play it safe 小心翼翼,不肯冒险 to be careful and not take risks

I'm artist,Daisy,and the Sienna has plenty of room. plus I stink at parallel parking,and the back up camera thing is like the invention of the century.
stink at 做某事很臭很烂

Have you ever been dumped? 
be dumped 被甩

She was all wrapped up with this dude. 
be all wrap up with 对某人全心全意 deeply devoted to
唱:Hopeless devoted to you~~

What if Eddie found out that Colinn used the blind guy's letters to,uh,woo you away?
woo away 勾引走某人

He owns a pawnshop just above Rock Creek station where I work.
pawnshop 当铺

I hear you, I have issues with men. Thanks for update. 
issue 问题
Thanks for update. 多谢提醒


Gotcha = got you 逮到你了
dirtbag 人渣


I also learned that people should not take credit for what other people write. 
take (the) credit (for something) 把……归功于自己,抢功 to accept the praise given

"Unseen,I feel your spirit as we work. The scent of your hair. The accidental brush of your skin. I hear your heart beating. Mine beating with yours as one. I breathe when you breathe,breath to breath,heartbeat to heartbeat..."

- The idea of soul mates actually originated with Plato.
- Yeah,you mean the... the clay that kids play with. 
Plato 柏拉图,古希腊著名哲学家。同样也是小孩子玩的彩色粘土的品牌名。

His theory was that humans originally consisted of four arms,four legs and two faces. Zeus was threatened by their power and split them all in half, condemning us all to spend our lives trying to complete ourselves.
ok,某柒很不正常地看到这段非常激动……因为前不久读某人类学书还真见过这段东西,Bones真是把枯燥 的理论给简单化了哇~~撒花。

Bones 5.15观后感
   1. 首先某柒只想说,Bones终于回来了啊啊啊啊啊啊,从过年前等到清明节,虽然这集总得来说,so so……still,Bones is back。
   2. 可怜的甜甜,受了好大打击,这孩子果然是家庭安全感缺失的,早点儿组建自己的小家庭也不错啦。不过这一季最后真的是这俩结婚?不是吧……
   3. 松田圣子那条剧情线很莫名啦,然后案情也一般般,没啥太大冲击力,反正,这集只是块砖头~~~
   4. 然后感情戏也很弱,虽然Bren一路否认Booth就是Andy还有点小喜感。最后soulmate的讨论按上有点小牵强,不过还是很sweet的。
   5. 下集!!!耶,百集特别篇~~~~~~~Booth & Bones的第一次见面,第一次叫她Bones,first kiss... no, I mean first case. Whatever~~~ Bones识骨寻踪5.16剧情预告 哦第一次我看见你的时候
